Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yacht Club

Topshop Unique blazer, Topshop shorts, Kate Moss for Topshop shirt, Urban Outfitters sandals, Chloe bag, Miu Miu sunglasses

We've spent the past few days cruising around the Cote d'Azur. I can't imagine anything more perfect than crystal blue water, unending sunshine, delicious food, and welcoming company. The boy and I usually spend a few weekends in Cannes every summer, so it was satisfying to explore undiscovered grounds on this trip. I spent the afternoon drooling at the Gucci window display in Monte Carlo. My health is in danger if I don't get my hands on a pair of those shoes! My new goal in life is to own a super yacht and wear Balmain dresses and Missoni bikinis aboard the yacht all summer long. Ah the life... Home tomorrow, can't wait to come back in June when it's warm enough to spend my days beachside.

I had trouble choosing outfits for the slightly tricky temperature changes. My first spring here has left me slightly befuddled. Tights, no tights? Sandals or ankle boots? The only thing I was sure about was the fact that my new Miu Miu sunglasses would be permanently implanted on my face.

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